A Typical Day at City Stars
Let’s take you through a day in the life of our City Stars students

Arrival & Perceptual Motor Program
As children arrive for the day, they are encouraged to write their name (sign in) and complete a puzzle if time permits.
We start our day with a fun physical activity or game as part of our Perceptual Motor Program (using the yard, school hall or tennis court) – This movement-based program is embedded in our daily Kindergarten curriculum to help students improve coordination, fitness, balance, and eye-tracking skills.

Learning Groups
The class will break into small groups and rotate around different games and activities that promote early Literacy and Numeracy skills, build fine and gross motor skills and promote working together and creativity. Parents are welcome to assist with Learning Groups and join in.

Circle Time
Our daily Circle Time promotes oral language development, establishes listening skills and turn-taking and promotes children to become more confident speaking in front of their peers.

Inside Playtime
Throughout a day at City Stars, kindergarten children have their own relaxed free playtime where they can move around and play freely. Inside the children love using the dress-ups, role-playing in our Home Corner area and turning it into a café or a shop or perhaps setting up a doctor’s surgery and helping to treat sick patients. There are open-ended activities and investigations set up daily for children to explore that encourage further growth and more complex thought.

Outside Playtime
Children have access to our yard, which includes our own vegetable garden, fort, and sandpit and then a large flat-grassed area for the children to run around on or use the obstacle course.
Using the yard, hall and tennis court, the City Stars take part in a Perceptual Motor Program for 30 minutes each day. This movement-based program is embedded in our daily Kindergarten curriculum to help students improve coordination, fitness, balance, and eye-tracking skills

All of the children’s learning and play experiences are encouraged to be creative and hands-on. City Stars Kindergarten has a plethora of arts and crafts supplies on hand to allow students’ imaginations and creativity to run wild. We conduct frequent dress-up and theme days to coincide with the children’s interests and events in our community.

All Day Adventures
City Stars enjoy using the different facilities of our school, Caloundra City Private School. This includes visiting the large permaculture garden and feeding the chickens, playing ball games on the tennis court, visiting the School Library, playing games on the oval, and doing activities with our Year 3 Buddies.